Remise en question
Remise en question Par L'Economiste, Ahlam NAZIH
Le 22/05/2024

Oui, les Marocains sont nombreux à vouloir quitter le pays. Parmi les ingénieurs, des promotions tout entières prennent le large,... + Lire la suite...

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Archeology: Roman soldiers trod the ground of the Volubilis valley

Par Karim Agoumi | Edition N°:6373 Le 21/10/2022 | Partager

The Roman army was present and even active in the Volubilis valley, as evidenced by the find made by Moroccan archaeologists but also by Polish archaeologists, who have just unearthed the remains of an observation tower on the site of El Mellali, located in the heart of the former Mauretania Tingitana (in northern Morocco)...

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